Notices Sun 13th August

Notices for Sunday 13th August

Quick links: | Midweek service | Holiday Club | Men’s Weekend | Induction | Calendar

Sunday Services

Church on the Green

Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as on Zoom. Steve Lancaster will bring the Word from Psalm 1 and worship will be led by Adrian & Jo. Click here to join on Zoom. Meeting ID: 951 8111 0275 Passcode: 559184

10.30am at Priory Street

Adam J will bring the Word from Malachi 2 and worship will be led by Matt E. Intercessory prayers will be led by Cathy S. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.

We will be sharing communion together at the morning services.

Our Sunday services at Priory Street are live-streamed/recorded on our YouTube channel. If you would prefer not to appear on screen, you’re advised to sit in or under the balcony.

Prayer walk tomorrow morning (Sat 12th)

Please join Ian Holmes tomorrow morning as he leads a prayer walk around Rudloe, focusing on our plans for the new works in Corsham & Rudloe/Neston. We will set off from Broadwood School car park in Rudloe at 8.30am.

Work in the coffee hall

New skirting boards will be fitted in the coffee hall on Monday and Tuesday this coming week so please bear this in mind if you are coming into church on those days.

Midweek service: Weds 16th Aug

Come along on Wednesday at 2pm for our fortnightly midweek service. David M will be bringing us God’s word from John 8:1-11 and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Help needed on the sound desk

We’re so grateful for those who willingly serve on the sound desk and projection each Sunday morning at Priory Street. There are a couple of opportunities to serve in this way (sound & streaming) on Sunday 20th August. If you usually attend the 9.15 service and are able to help please contact Ruth in the church office. Thank you.

Summer Holiday Club at Priory Street: 21st-24th August

Help is still needed for this event in several areas including providing cakes/biscuits, serving refreshments, leading and helping groups, worship band and registration. We also need help to put all the chairs back in place on Thursday 24th at 7pm. Please speak to Rhiannon if you can help or would like to know more. Sign up sheets and more information is on the board at the back of church. Book your free places at:

Men’s Weekend Away: 1st-3rd September

A reminder that the Men’s Weekend Away is almost upon us, details as below:

Venue: Windmill Farm Retreat Centre near Clanfield, Bampton, OX18 2SN (about an hour’s drive away). The cost is £65 per person (concessions are available) – the priority is to have you there so please have a chat with Ian Holmes if funding is an issue. Teaching will be by Steve Lancaster (not to be missed) on Ephesians Ch 1 over 3 sessions under the title “Who am I in Christ”? There will also be plenty of food (chef duties ably supplied by our brother Tim Hogg), walks out, worship, and nightly fellowship around the firepit. In the meantime, please click this link for a virtual tour around the venue.

To book your place on the weekend please visit Eventbrite here. Payment details for online bank transfer are below:

Bank: Santander
Sort Code: 09-01-54
Account number: 03123488
Reference: Men’s Weekend 23

We look forward to seeing you there guys!!
Men’s Ministry Team

Ordination and Induction: Saturday 23rd Sept

We’re excited for Adam Jacques’ Ordination and Induction service on 23rd September. This will be a very special occasion for Adam and Lorna, and our church family. We hope you and your loved ones will be able to join us!

But also, there are many opportunities to be part of this celebration – in set up, hospitality, catering support, serving communion and more! If you can give your time to help, please speak to Hollie or send her an email to talk about what help is needed:

Thank you

A huge thank you to those who gave a financial gift for Ben Francis and his ministry in India following Ben’s visit to CBC last weekend. The total sum given was £390! We pray that this will help and encourage Ben and his family in their ministry.

Regular activities

  • Community Money Advice is available by appointment for anybody who is struggling with debt problems. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area.
  • Prayer for Missions & the Persecuted Church: the first Tuesday of every month, 8pm on Zoom. Click here to join. Meeting ID: 961 0065 2312 Passcode: 282492
  • Women’s Bible Study: we meet on the last Monday every month from 7.30pm in term-times.
  • Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 10am-2pm. Come and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin, Esther, Joan or Jo S for more information.
  • Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
  • Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
  • Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
  • FLAGS (Fun Learning About God and Scripture): Wednesdays at 4.30-5.30pm during term time. For Primary School-aged children.
  • Hang out: a fun fellowship group for KS2 children, meeting on the second Sunday of the month from 4.00-5.30pm.
  • Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
  • Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.

Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.