Notices for Sunday 24th April
Quick links: | Sunday Services | Discipleship Explored | The Ark | Opportunities to serve | Calendar
Sunday Services
9.15 at Priory Street
Rob D will bring the Word from Exodus 1: 1-22 and music will be led by Matt G. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.
Church on the Green
Join us at 10am in the MOD Community Centre in Rudloe as well as online. John P will bring the Word from 2 Kings 5. All details are at: Or Join Now.
11.15 at Priory Street
Rob D will bring the Word from Exodus 1: 1-22 and music will be led by Matt E. The service will be streamed online – click here to join.
Please note that the Corsham 2K and 10K races are being held on Sunday morning, starting at 9am and 10.30am respectively, so town will be busier than normal and parking may be more limited than usual.
Thank you!
We had an amazing day on the farm last Saturday. God provided in abundance – sunshine, people, fun and fellowship! Thank you to everyone who was involved on the day: actors, stewards, bakers and animals! Thank you for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for those who attended, for their hearts to be softened and to process what they heard and saw, for seeds to be watered and opportunities for them to find out more. Thank you to Harvey (Jasmine W’s brother) who made a film of the day. Check it out here:
Discipleship Explored – Sunday 24th April
Please join us at Priory Street this Sunday evening at 6pm for the first of our Discipleship Explored sessions. The course is a beautiful 8 session film series, with Christian testimony and insight from believers around the world and rooted in Paul’s letter to the Philippians. It’s sure to be a blessing to you in your walk with Christ (even if you’ve done the course before!). Watch a sneak peak of the course here.
When: 6.00-7.30pm on 24th April, 8th, 22nd & 29th May, 12th & 26th June, 10th & 24th July
Where: Priory Street
If you’d like join us for some or all of this course, please let Ruth know at or just turn up!
Midweek service – 27th April
You will find a warm welcome at our midweek service, which starts at 2pm at Priory Street. Come and enjoy a more traditional style of worship, a Bible message and stay for a cup of tea and cakes.
The Ark – Saturday 30th April
We would love to see you next Saturday at The Ark, a fun and interactive service for primary school-aged children, which will be held at Priory Street from 10.30am-12pm. Join us for songs, crafts, Bible stories and puppets! Spaces can be reserved via Eventbrite – please click here. Check out the Facebook page too for more information.
Church on the Farm – joint service on Sunday 1st May
Now that spring is here, our joint services are moving out of doors and will be held on John P’s farm for the next few months. All our congregations are invited to join us at 11am at Upper Combe Farm, SN14 7HE on the first Sunday of every month. The farm is accessible to all and those with limited mobility will be able to park close to the barn where we meet. Toilet facilities are also available.
Craft Group
We are pleased to report that our Craft Group, after a long Covid break, has got off to a great start with a few newcomers attending. The group meets usually on the first Saturday in the month. Pam has been leading this group from the beginning, with assistance over the years from Kathy E, Hazel H and now Cathy S. We are now looking for a new (younger?) person to take over the leadership of the group. Both Pam and Cathy S will continue to attend and offer support. If you are a Craft lady, please pray about whether the Lord could use you in this ministry. Pam Mitchell would love to hear from you and talk you through all the details.
NB please note for your diaries that the next meeting will be on 7th May but our June session will be pushed back a week to 11th June.
Volunteer needed – 11.15 service
We are looking for someone to take responsibility for setting up and clearing away the communion table at the 11.15 service, on the second Sunday of each month. As we return to serving the congregation from the front, this will mean preparing the trays and the bread, as well as collecting and washing up the glasses afterwards. If you feel that you would like to serve in this way, please see Ruth in the church office. Thank you.
Thank you from Oasis
The Oasis Centre in Austria is one of CBC’s mission partners. They serve the many refugees they meet from all over the world. We recently sent them a financial gift and they have responded with this message: “We are so thankful for your generous donation to support our ministry. We are grateful for our ongoing partnership with you!” If you would like to find out more about the ministry of Oasis, have a look at their website here and join us at our next mission prayer meeting on 3rd May to hear about the latest news and prayer needs.
Regular Activities
- Community Money Advice is open for face-to-face meetings each Thursday evening and Friday morning. Do get in touch if you would like help and advice in this area. Pre-booked appointments only.
- Craft Group: if you enjoy crafting come and join us on the first Saturday of the month (unless other notified) from 10am-12.30pm at Priory Street. Please bring your own craft project to do.
- Souper Friday Café: Friday mornings from 9am. Come and and enjoy a free drink, cake and soup. Open for help with food items to take away too. Speak to Colin W, Esther A, Joan C or Jo S for more information.
- Ark Children’s Service: last Saturday of the month 10:30am-12:00pm during term-time only.
- Mum’s Bible Study: Monday mornings between 9.30am-11.30am (term-time only). For more information speak to Christine C or Vicki K.
- Toddlers: Thursdays 10:00am-11:30am during term-time only.
- Life groups meet in person and/or online. Contact us if you’d like to join one.
- Youth Groups – contact Dan for further details.
Please send items for next week’s notices to Ruth at by 12 noon on Wednesday.